Lurkers: Just for you
From various comments I've received in the analog world I know there are a lot more people reading this blog than me, Lefty and MJ. I'm planning to get around to figuring out how to add a hit counter, but till then, whether you like us or not, I'd appreciate a comment just to let us know you're here. Cheers!
Dear blog master,
I'm really grateful you have taken the initiative to highlight some of the headlines that, frankly, make me shake my head and grumble in dismay. It raises many important questions when I read articles that have left out one or more of the following: the what, where, why, who and when. No disrespect is intended to anyone on staff at the Courier, but this basic formula must be adhered to if one wishes to be taken seriously. My hope is that this blog will open the eyes and minds of many, encouraging them to participate in making comments on this site or perhaps write letters to the editors of the Courier. I admit to keeping my silence when I really wanted to shout: "What the hell were they thinking?"
I've been here in Prescott for nearly 14 years and gave up reading the Courier for a good long time because I saw little sense in it. I desperately want this to change and I'm glad this site was brought to my attention. Thank you for your efforts, time and research. Who knows, you might be quoting a letter from me to the editor in the near future with thumbs up. You'll know it's me. Keep up the good work and keep 'em on their toes!
Thanks very much for those great thoughts, I'll try to live up to them.
It's you and people like you that we're trying to most to reach, those who value a local paper and want it to be better. We're on exactly the same page.
By all means write those letters to the editor and comment on the Courier Website. You may not see the results right away, but believe me, they matter. One person with a complaint can be seen as an isolated crackpot, but get ten complaints from different people and you know you've got a problem.
hey lurker, welcome aboard! looking forward to your LsTE and comments here.
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