Thursday, May 10, 2007

Editorial: "Low DUI arrests are a sign of success"

Mostly harmless.

A1: "City begins tower construction to eliminate communication 'dead spots'"

Another good use of the page-one photobox, featuring a dynamic photo and a fine straight-news story by Mirsada Buric.

Letters: Blowback

More reaction today for Bob Shimizu and Vic Hambrick. Also check out John K's collection of comments on the assessor stories.

Talk of the Town: "Developers must pay their fair share"

CV Town Manager Bill Pupo makes his case against the A1 story that bugged me on April 30. He implies in his second graph that the developer planted the story, and obliquely calls out the Courier for sloppiness. He then goes on to state pretty clearly the town's position.

This is the second time in recent weeks we've seen a municipal manager responding on the opinion page to questions the Courier should have answered on page one. Whether or not you trust the word of the bureaucrats, they should get their say up front in controversies involving them.

A1: "Charlie Orme, founder of famed school, dead at 88"

The page-one obit is usually reserved for true community leaders, and given his contribution to education in our area, I expect Charlie Orme qualifies. Teachers matter.

A1: "Liquor licenses continue to generate city debate"

Cindy Barks writes it pretty straight, but I expect your reading of this story will vary with your point of view on the issue.

I have a certain amount of learned sympathy for Councilcritter Luzius here, as I spent many years working to get a public board of directors to work in a more professional manner. There's a culture of slack that may be endemic to Americans generally, leading people to minimize the importance of process, precision and showing up on time. You can go overboard in the other direction too, of course, and that will be the other reaction to Mr Luzius here. But rather than arbitrary bureaucratism, I can see that what he's working on may be the good-ol-boy insiderism that we dislike in other areas. If you want your staff to act professionally, you need to be as sharp at the top.