Wednesday, May 2, 2007

A1: "Locals come out strongly in support of Mesa Airline"

Cindy Barks summarizes the Council echo chamber about scheduled passenger air service. The missing bit is that Council hosted the same debate and made the same vote last time this came up, but the DOT went with the other guys anyway, so we might like to know why it might go differently this time.

Cindy didn't write the headline that gets the company's name wrong, so no blame there.


leftturnclyde said...
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leftturnclyde said...

okay we got :
Resident John Solomon
( I assume "resident of Prescott" but he could be from anywhere in the quad cities area, or Tibet for that manner, the piece does not say)
City Manager Steve Norwood who has 5 "comments" from persons unknown
Prescott Chamber of Commerce President Doug Bristol
Supporting Mesa Airlines.
which is um...
3 actual people and a list of 5 confirmed communists in the defense..dang! wrong decade .. I mean 5 positive comments from "Persons Unknown" for Mesa which is a total of( uh..carry the three, round to the nearest dollar..) ..8 people!
The headline makes it sound like there a crowds marching in the street carrying banners in favor of Mesa..hmmm think the fix is in?