Monday, April 16, 2007

A1: "Human Resources works behind the scenes for county employees"

Paula turns in a nice puff piece on a county department, promising regular installments. I suppose that Monday is the day for this, since no one's working on Sunday to get actual news. It just seems like this would fit better on B1.

By the way, Mr Vigneron's name shouldn't be so difficult to spell.


leftturnclyde said...

another ayres ...hmmm..are they cloning them ? wait a minit she's way better looking than you (no offense steve) but seriously , why was this on the front page ? this seems more like something one would find in the sunday paper under features....I mean its not like there aint anything else to talk about news wise...

Steven Ayres said...

Not an Ayres, rather an Ayers, related but farther out. Also Airs, Aires, Ayr, Ayre, Eyre Eyres, Eire, Eires, Heyr, Heyre, Heyer, l'Heyr and the grand progenitor le Heyr, c. 1264. All related.

leftturnclyde said...

I love you man .your geekyness remains unsurpassed by any other human I know