Saturday, April 21, 2007

Letters: Sturm and drang about illegals

In another theme edition of Our Readers Speak, several people (half from out of state) exhort our public officials to employ illegal measures to address a non-problem. Mark my words, folks: if you get what you think you want -- and you may -- you'll come to regret it.

For the Courier: Whatever the political stripe of the letter-writer, people uniformly expect you to refrain from manipulating their words. Editing them or arranging them in time violates this trust. Strive to err on the side of the integrity of these gifts from your readers.

1 comment:

leftturnclyde said...

Hey I gotta question ,where are all the outraged Prescott arearesidents ..out of all the letters so far i count ?
maybe we're more important to the outside world than we think?