Friday, April 27, 2007

A1: "Prescott lags behind in public transit"

No kidding.

Cindy Barks' story has a lot of good, clear info. But what's going on at the end? Of the 15 pitiful souls who managed to show up for this meeting, only one appears -- the guy who thinks that this should all be handled by private companies. I smell something missing here.


Granny J said...

Steve: are you suggesting that only private enterprise gets a break by the Courier because of political slant? If that were so, how come they never mention the little bus line that already exists? Could it be not politics, but plain, ugly old business, i.e., namely that the PTA doesn't advertise???

Steven Ayres said...

That's an interesting angle, J, but I can't do more than speculate one way or the other on why we get the coverage we do.

Another thought: What is likely to happen to the PTA service if the City follows the recommendations and institutes a reasonably extensive public service?

leftturnclyde said...

What struck me is that only the Guy who was for privately owned Public transit was quoted. What were the other comments for Publicly funded mass trasnsit? Their Inclusion would have diminished the appearance of any slantand we wouldnt be havin this discussion.