Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A1: "Committee begins process to block Young's Farm rezoning"

Oops, did I say the Monogram saga was over? I don't suppose we can hope for a new script (Big Money gets its way, ragtag citizens group makes a stink, Big Money wins anyway -- you know, PV Wal-Mart, Williamson Valley, Verde River, etc.).

Maybe I should be selling peanuts in the stands. "GITcher goobers HEEERE!"


Anonymous said...

Who knows how the effort to block the mall at Young's Farm will turn out. Might work, might not. But you really have to give the people of Dewey-Humboldt credit for at least trying to stand up to developers. We've given away so much to developers and made them rich only to inherit water, traffic and crime problems. Please define progress.

Anonymous said...

The "Oops" would have not occurred if the Courier and been printing the letters and press releases it has been receiving. Communications from Dewey-Humboldt containing arguments opposing development are not printed.
Yarrag Srigor