Bugging out
That's probably it for this week and most of next, I'm headed north for some R&R. I'll look in now and then for anything really egregious. Enjoy!
For readers of the Daily Courier in Prescott, Arizona. Comment and discuss. Be nice, now.
That's probably it for this week and most of next, I'm headed north for some R&R. I'll look in now and then for anything really egregious. Enjoy!
12:21 AM
OK, Steve, putting on airs, eh?
I know you're "heading north for some R&R," but I'm posting this comment here rather than down the page (see jared's comment about Joanne Twaddell's last name) to make sure you see it.
Perhaps this is egregious enough.
Who the EFF appointed you to the name police? Do you personally know Joanne? Do you have any clue whatsoever about the etymology of the Twaddell family name?
For some reason, you've decided to get personal, to practice a form of pre-pubescent bullying that seems common among blogger hacks with an axe to grind.
If you have some bone to pick with the Daily Courier or its editors, have at it. But when you choose to personally attack its writers, not for their writing style but for their names, you've gone too far.
You've sunk to a new low here, and I think you owe Joanne an apology.
Let's see what sort of man you really are. You've lost my respect on this one.
Folks -- if you need a Courier fix, you might get a kick out of the old printing plates I found on a building near Montezuma.
Twaddell number
An arbitrary hydrometer scale usually used for liquids denser than water, 19th-20th century, mostly used in England, for example in the leather industry to check tanning solutions, and for sulfuric acid and milk. Abbr, °Tw.
To convert a Twaddell number to a scale in which the specific gravity of water = 1, multiply by 0.005, then add 1. For example, 20°Tw is equivalent to a specific gravity of 1.100. To convert specific gravity to a Twaddell number:
A equation. degrees Twaddell equal the fraction whose numerator is the density of the solution and whose numerator is the density of distilled water, both at 60 degrees Fahrenheit, minus one, times 200
Twaddle, Tweddell, Tweddle, Twaddell. - Local, ' of Tweeddale,' from residence in the valley of the Tweed. Cf. Teasdale, Tindal, Lonsdale, &c.
Wow, that's weak to tell someone to get over it without having the guts to sign your name. Look, I am all for discussion and some serious sarcasm, but at least have the stones to sign your name. Hiding behind 'Anonymous' is pretty weak. Say you wouldn't be Republican or a member of the NRA would you? jared
I suspect that the anonymous posting was by Steven..
reads like him anyway
I wonder if he was suspecting that perhaps Ms.Twaddell is not the actual name of the reporter ..does not seem like the sort of thing that the guy I know would do w/out cause...
Oh, get a life. Dickensian isn't an insult! No one changed a's to i's or d's to t's. Or even mentioned this:
twad·dle (twdl)
intr.v. twad·dled, twad·dling, twad·dles To talk foolishly; prate.
n. Foolish, trivial, or idle talk or chatter.
[Probably variant of dialectal twattle, perhaps alteration of tattle.]
twaddler n.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2003. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
Hide? What's to hide from? Just saying a name is Victorian doesn't seem personal (or for that matter even particularly pre-pubescent) to me.
Organizations? Nope, neither. sydney
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