Wiederaenders: "Never forget what Memorial Day means"
I remember: people died under civilian orders.
It seems to me we're pretty good about celebrating the heroic dead, but we're a little lean on remembering that we civilians sent them to die, and our record of handling that decision well is more than a little spotty. Tim.
I took his point to mean some people see it only as a day off. Good point though, Steven, if our leaders put their words into action we would not see people like Cindy Sheehan giving up because the Dems are playing party politics with the GOP ... both of which are to blame.
I think we saw the same point in what Tim wrote, my question is why do something so flaccid with the opportunity to reach people? It amounts to taking the reader for granted.
Maybe you do not remember Jared's comments from weeks ago in this space about Tim's columns: the columns "are a reflection of what he sees in his community." While I wish he would take a stand more often and hold officials feet to the fire, he does open a lot of eyes to what is going on around here.
Oh, I remember all right. But even that mushy intention has the potential to result in worthwhile writing given some serious energy and thought.
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