Thursday, May 3, 2007

Letters: Twin rants

James Baker can't figure out why local lawnforcement can't enforce laws over which it has no jurisdiction, and Susan Patricks wants to give Elise Townsend a punch in the nose. The interesting bit is the correction related to yesterday's letter from Amy Reyes, citing an "editing error" -- was it Amy's error, or the editor's?


Benny said...
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leftturnclyde said...

Lots of folks dont understand the whole Jurisdiction thing ..Believe me Mr Baker the way it is now is a good thing.
on this last part of his letter

"this thing about children born in this country to illegal aliens who are then U.S. citizens,they can go back with their parents. When they reach a legal age, they can then come back if they want."

he has a point ..I hate to admit it but he has a point.
Its one of many completely fucked things about our immigration laws that should be fixed. maybe the first one since it involves Babies ,causes so much misery ,and costs so much money.
The way our country has mishandeled this whole immigration thing is only slightly less shamefull than the occupation of Iraq.

Anonymous said...

it said editing error, not writing error....

leftturnclyde said...

Good call Anonymous