Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Editorial: "Tim's Toyota shares its success with PV"

Call us back once the bloom is off the rose, the promoters are done losing money on half-attended events, and the public is sick of shelling out big bucks for flat soda and dealing with snarled traffic. Say five years. At least three, anyway.

I'm sure the Fains are doing great from it, but it's a little early to declare the Albatross Arena a success for the rest of the community.


leftturnclyde said...

"the Albatross Arena"
still it is an example of how the growth thing here in the quad city area has worked ...Build a shiny shopping center ,mall or some other such nifty( on the surface)facilty,then use that to sell a whole bunch of homes that you build .Its close to shopping! Now you wont have to go down to Phoenix to go to the Mall ,see a concert,watch a Rural lifestyle without having to live more than 20 minutes from a Home Depot!
now they wanna build high rise hotels down here in PV using the entertainment center's great drawing numbers(WTF?????) as justification?
Jesus Wept! when will it stop? and when will the Courier stop running what amounts to free Publicity for these greedy Bastards?

Anonymous said...

Some of the venues in the Phoenix area are having trouble drawing big crowds. This is not so unique. Albatross Arena (will it stick...) will always get a blockbuster here & there but I think that there is a trend away from venue based entertainment due to changes in the way we consume entertainment and the way venues and promoters have upped the ante.

If you want a look at what happens when a venue is mismanaged and the money starts running out, go see what has happened to the Veteran's Memorial Colliseum at the Arizona State Fairgrounds. Anybody want to start taking bets on the year demolition begins there?

Steven Ayres said...

Demolition would be a shame -- it would make such a fabulous antique mall.