Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Missing: Blair loves 'em to death

It appears the Courier isn't interested in Prescott Councilcritter Steve Blair's little dustup the other day, which began with him referrring to residents of the Lincoln district as "taco-flippers" on his radio show. That sorta seems like news to me, but I know, I'm just a lowly news editor for a major international service.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure that susan and jesse and andy would be surprised to learn that they are taco-flippers. in fact, jesse is known for his sprouted grain bread

Anonymous said...

the 2nd try

Anonymous said...

the 3rd sign

Steven Ayres said...

Never fear, this is not secret messages from the Illuminati, but rather comment testing. Many thanks to the debugging monkeys.

Anonymous said...

"Taco Flipper"... of course they need flipping... duh.

leftturnclyde said...

See thats radio stuff and as such it cant be mixed up with Printed stuff .Then there would be demands for accountability,and ethics and all that icky stuff that politcs as usual just cant coexist with ...
Besides it was the cafine talking

leftturnclyde said...

Caffine , goddmmit i ment caffine
rubber mallet applied

leftturnclyde said...

rubber mallet applied, getting dizzy ..what pretty birds