Friday, April 20, 2007

A1: "Transit choice now in hands of local governments"

Props to the editors for giving Cindy Barks' story some prominence. We learn that the public "overwhelmingly" supports an extensive fixed-route bus system connecting our communities and workplaces. In the past the Courier has officially poo-poohed mass transit, but that resistance seems to be softening of late. Let's hope our elected officials can see the writing on the wall as well.


Granny J said...

The sin of ommission, recall? In almost all of the stories on the need for mass transit, I've almost never seen mention of the little bus that makes a round trip of Prescott once per hour. Most people are not aware of its existence. I suspect that it's a placeholder for the Prescott Transit Authority, hoping to get the contract for a bigger system,if and when -- but no mention? I don't drive, so I have taken a ride on the bus. It's sorta fun.

mason lewis said...

I think they see the PTA bus as a private business, which it is. The mass transit would be a government enterprise. Big difference!

leftturnclyde said...

some questions
why does the interfaith council want mass transit? I mean Im for it ..would rather have rail actually would reeeeeeallly rather have rail..but what's in it for the interfaith council?
if the majority of folks riding the bus are with out does this get cars off the road?
why are they still talking about the taxi voucher system ..if it worked for everybody Im pretty sure we wouldnt be talkin about instituting the bus system

coyoteradiotheater said...

In my day job, I work with developmentally disabled and elderly folks. The lack of "an extensive fixed bus route" is felt very keenly in this population. The taxi voucher system is actually kind of hard to make happen for an individual.

Interestingly, several churches actually movemore bodies around town in the course of a day from what I've heard, than the little bus.

Perhaps that's why the Interfaith folks are interested?