A1: "Statewide tobacco compliance operation kicks off"
Let's see, you take out a full-page ad on Wednesday warning businesses that you'll be checking on whether they sell a highly addictive drug to kids, then run teenage ringers on them for four hours on Saturday and you still get a kill rate of over 20%. Yet for some reason I'm not getting from Mirsada Buric's story that anyone thinks we have a serious problem here. Rather it reads like good news that PV retailers spotted the ad and tightened up. Sheesh.
We do get some stats on why tobacco is a problem that needs dealing with, and that's to the good. But it's all pretty light.
I'll look forward to reading about a compliance operation against the bars that flout the statewide smoking ban starting this week -- holding my breath, but not for the story.
Join me in eager anticipation as I await the no smoking law legal challenge circus which should commence sometime after memorial day.
maybe the courier should put up some warning ad's about that.
sheesh indeed
I wonder what you think might be the legal basis for such a challenge?
Leagal Shmeegal..phillip morris hates this law and has waaaaaayyyy more laywers and money than the US Govt. Remember the Lawsuit(s) they "lost" ?
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