Shocked, shocked!
The prurient finger-wagging going on over the Marines who were dumb enough to get caught wagging their extra fingers over some dead opponents (or victims) is pushing my ack-meter to the limit.
What these kids are being pilloried for isn't what they did, but rather letting the folks back home find out about it in all its graphic ignominy. I'm sure this sort of behavior is no secret to the Afghans and Iraqis we've been routinely brutalizing for a decade.
If we really hope to ensure that this doesn't happen anymore, our only choice is to get out of the war business, folks.
Texas Governor Perry thinks it's justified because Iraqis killed and tortured some Americans. He's criticizing anyone who suggests that this was a criminal act. I think this behavior expresses the feelings of America toward Afghanistan. We just feel uncomfortable when it is expressed honestly and caught on film.
Let me be clear: We cannot allow or condone US soldiers acting like this, and we have an obligation to our own principles to punish them. My problem with it is that we do so little to ensure that our military culture firmly prevents it. Quite the opposite, it seems, and we only go after the ones who are dumb enough to get caught at it.
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