Thursday, January 21, 2010

Snow day

I'm out of town working on a major life-change project, so blogging's been light, sorry. It could be like this into February.

I have to say that while I can't vouch for their accuracy, I like the way the Courier has been keeping the weather-related stories flowing on the website. I imagine the newsroom is fairly jumping with people trying to get the latest and best information they can, and feeling the glow when they get it right and on time. For you hard-working Courier folks, a note: it should feel this way most of the time. Whatever the story, dig in, get it and get it right, and the job's way more fun.

Stay dry!


Unknown said...

Steve, good luck with your life-change project. I just hope it doesn't involve a Sedona sweat lodge ;-)

or for that matter, anything else in Sedona right now (esp aorund Oak Creek)

Steven Ayres said...

Thanks, Fred, I guarantee there will be no sweats involved. Did you hear about the bill in the legislature by Albert Hale to regulate sweat lodges and similar?

coyoteradiotheater said...

That's how regulation happens, folks. Anytime you are confronted by annoying (Caution: bullets exiting this gun are traveling very, very rapidly and may cause damage on impact) regulations, remember, there was an idiot who killed guileless people at the front of this process. Guaranteed.

Unknown said...

ulafI hadn't heard of the bill until now. Based on what I read in the "papers," it seems like Sen. Hale's motivation may be more/other than the typical knee-jerk "let's have a law/regulation" response to an unfortunate event. Sounds to me like he's trying to "protect the brand," so to speak. Which is understandable....

Steven Ayres said...

I've met and talked with Sen Hale, and he's a good guy. I'm sure he's responding to the concerns of his constituency, which includes a whole lot of Dineh, as well as those of natives all over the state.