Editorial: "Four rules of firearm safety apply to all"
The unnamed Courier editor (guess who) intones the gun rules with religious fervor -- I'm reminded of Heston and the Ten Commandments -- to wag a finger at the VA security guard. He rails against the world he himself creates.
Update, 2pm: He's talking about this, Lefty, from Wednesday.
Update, 6:25am Sunday: Link fixed, I hope. That was odd.
2 thoughts
why is this not in the police beat part of the paper?
why is the unamed editor scolding this guy in the news paper and not in person?
RE update :the link is Bad steven give it a good talking to and send it to its room
Ok got it now ...looks like this guy got what's coming to him for being foolish.(being charitable here) although its kind interesting that officer Van Leeuwen's offense was handled in this very public way and not sub rosa .Hmmm i think there is more to this than meets the eye
Hey LTC,
You should come out to the Blogfest and hook up with some of the local bloggers. Nice to meet you face to face!
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